“On behalf of the HVTO Team, I have the great honor of gaining unwavering trust from our partner - A Drop of Life- in leading the team for carrying out a number of projects for our Khmer people.
Amidst the thread of the pandemic of COVID-19, we have made sure that the projects are well carried out precisely, effectively, on target and with proud results that are applauded by the beneficiaries.
We thank you so much for your trust and generosity and we hope our friendship will go on as far as we can.”
疫情期間,我們與Sim遙距溝通水項目的進展與村民的需要,決定重點改善Sophy Village和Rumdeng Village的衛生環境。兩年興建超過500個「家用洗手間」讓村民可以擁有屬於自己的如廁空間,改變露天排泄的習慣,特別讓女性村民知道安全私密的如廁空間是基本權利。Sim更轉述村內小朋友喜歡躺在點滴的洗手間裡,因地板的磁磚乾淨又涼爽!