A Drop of Life's 2021

Water is our beginning.

But a drop of water brings far more than
clean water and sanitation.

Water can bring infinite possibilities.

For the past 23 years, “A Drop of Life” has provided clean water for over 5 million people. By providing beneficiaries with access to clean water, it does more than just improve their health and hygiene.It provides endless possibilities.In 2015, all UN member states adopted theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build equal, peaceful, and prosperous societies by 2030. The 17 SDGs aim to call on everyone to take concrete action together in order to create a sustainable world. “A Drop of Life” also contributes to this global goal; in addition to achieving SDG 6 of clean water and sanitation, our work has also positively impacted 10 other SDGs.

SDGs reached
 years of
0 +

Water can bring infinite possibilities.

For the past 23 years, “A Drop of Life” has provided clean water for over 5 million people. By providing beneficiaries with access to clean water, it does more than just improve their health and hygiene.It provides endless possibilities.In 2015, all UN member states adopted theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build equal, peaceful, and prosperous societies by 2030. The 17 SDGs aim to call on everyone to take concrete action together in order to create a sustainable world. “A Drop of Life” also contributes to this global goal; in addition to achieving SDG 6 of clean water and sanitation, our work has also positively impacted 10 other SDGs.

For the past 23 years, “A Drop of Life” has provided clean water for over 5 million people. By providing beneficiaries with access to clean water, it does more than just improve their health and hygiene. It provides endless possibilities.

In 2015, all UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build equal, peaceful, and prosperous societies by 2030. The 17 SDGs aim to call on everyone to take concrete action together in order to create a sustainable world. “A Drop of Life” also contributes to this global goal; in addition to achieving SDG 6 of clean water and sanitation, our work has also positively impacted 10 other SDGs.

SDGs reached
 years of
0 +

Water Projects 2021

In 2021, we built a total of

water facilities
benefiting people









Child Development Projects 2021

School Redevelopment

3 schools in Nepal and Cambodia were rebuilt this year, providing a safe learning environment for 258 students.


Number of Beneficiaries

Sanlung Chey School


Number of Beneficiaries

Shree Rastriya Adharbhut Bidhyalaya
(under reconstruction)


Number of Beneficiaries

Shree Bhumiraj Adharbhut School
(under reconstruction)

Nutritious Meal Project

In addition, we have implemented the Nutritious Meal Project in 2 schools in Cambodia to provide more nutrients for every child’s growth.

Number of Beneficiaries

York Primary School

Number of Beneficiaries

Rung Roeung Primary School

Child Development Projects 2021

School redevelopments do not just include the renovations of buildings; it helps us achieve our sustainable development goals and SGDs, creating a more sustainable future for students and the local community.

Local Events

“Race for Water”has transformed from a physical race to a more free and flexible virtual run,
creating a “Water for All”
event. Furthermore,“Walk and Run for Water”
was still able to donate to charity during these difficult times!
These two events have raised more than HK$2.6 million
and have provided clean water to nearly 9,000 people!

“Race for Water” has transformed from a physical race to a more free and flexible virtual run, creating a “Water for All” event. Furthermore, “Walk and Run for Water” was still able to donate to charity during these difficult times! These two events have raised more than HK$2.6 million and have provided clean water to nearly 9,000 people!

Despite being separated by masks and needing social distance, our caring heart has not gone far
as long as we still have “love”.
The Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival lucky bag activities raised nearly HK$1.4 million,
with 8,200 lucky bags being sent to local disadvantaged groups!

(The beneficiaries include disabled and mentally handicapped students, adults, elderly singleton and elderly doubletons.)

Despite being separated by masks and needing social distance, our caring heart has not gone far as long as we still have “love”. The Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival lucky bag activities raised nearly HK$1.4 million, with 8,200 lucky bags being sent to local disadvantaged groups! (The beneficiaries include disabled and mentally handicapped students, adults, elderly singleton and elderly doubletons.)

President and Ambassador's Message


「若是水消失了,會對你我造成什麼影響?對世界不同地區的人來說,答案會不同嗎?」 聯合國水資源組織,促使全球共同思考「水的價值」 在全球對抗新冠病毒的感染,洗手成了大家的日常,不過,聯合國統計提出全球仍有將近36 億人缺乏安全的衞生設備,因而導致疾病發生。 記起,我第一次到訪柬埔寨山區兒童院時,他們惡劣的衛生情況難以形容,確實存在重大的衞生危害,在缺乏公共衛生設備的山區農民會使用附近水源和河流處理他們的糞便,因此而被污染了。 點滴是生命進一步在柬埔寨山區村裡對净水,學校衛生和個人衞生之間關連性的意識提高了不少。


這兩年總是在提醒孩子要注意衛生,勤洗手、蓋好廁板再沖廁、多清潔消毒家中物品…但想到發展中的國家很多孩子,沒有淨水、沒有廁所、沒有洗手設施,如何防疫? 因此我今年參加了「點滴是生命」一分鐘無影櫈大挑戰,為響應「世界廁所日」及為柬埔寨偏遠山區家庭籌款興建家用廁所。看似一個簡單的建設,但所帶來的改變卻是非常深遠,我們都可以出一分力,讓世界上更多有需要的人得到幫助!


一轉眼2021年又要完結了,回顧一年,疫情好像稍緩,但要實地作地區慈善工作或者探訪仍然是充滿挑戰和困難的,籌募經費和善款亦更加不容易,但我們沒有放棄,堅持以不同的方法將我們深信的信念推廣,為需要的國家及地區提供淨水及衞生設施,教育大眾珍惜用水和潔淨水的重要性,務求帶來改變性的影響,改善環境、生活質素及健康等等。 作為榮譽副會長,看到團隊們在全球疫情影響的環境下,絞盡腦汁去實踐及解決各個項目,非常感動!大家一起展望未來,疫情消失,重回正軌!


除了空氣 水應該就是對我們第二重要了 沒有了水 我們無法生存 水~灌溉了我們的生命 我們稱這為「基本」 有了最基本的條件 我們才能一步一步向前走 一點一滴的進步 萬丈高樓也從地起 我們應該都知道根基的重要 根基打不好 高樓哪裡來? 曾經有人問我「點滴是生命」為何都專注做水項目 感覺好像不夠全面 當我們細心想想水對我們的重要時 你還會這樣想嗎? 有些人連這樣最基本的生活條件都沒有時 要談教育、改善貧窮、未來發展等都好像變得天荒夜談! 「點滴是生命」一直就在堅持這「基本」 就像一滴水融入大海 一就是多 多也是一 老師說:人能守一萬事畢 只要堅守這一的基本 其他的相信也能一步一步迎刃而解! 作為榮譽副會長,看到團隊們在全球疫情影響的環境下,絞盡腦汁去實踐及解決各個項目,非常感動!大家一起展望未來,疫情消失,重回正軌!


我的人生和「水」結下不解之緣,從8歲開始游水訓練,成為運動員後游水已是我生命中一項重要環節,我在水中成長,在水磨練出更成熟的自已,而「水」的意義已超乎我想像,當我質疑自己在生活中所做的事情時,我會跳入游泳池,重新找回自我及引領新方向。我非常認同「點滴是生命」的理念,為有需要的人提供潔浄食用水和衞生設施,雖然看似基本,同樣地這「水」意義為他們生活帶來無限改變。 作為「點滴是生命」慈善大使,在過去一年我專注於備戰東京奧運會之餘,但也不忘履行慈善使命,在2021年2月義賣過百對Nike 珍藏波鞋,這行動為柬埔寨二百多名學生帶來潔淨食水和洗手設施,在全球疫情肆虐下顯得尤其重要。我承諾將來為「水」緣份參與和貢獻更多,繼續以水改變更多人生命。


疫情令我有更多時間留意身邊的事物。「水」一直在我們身邊,喝的水、洗澡的水、煮食用的水…看似源源不絕,但世界不同地方卻面對著旱災、缺水等危機,很多小孩亦面對著水污染所帶來的疾病和健康問題。 疫情令我放慢了急速的生活,有更多時間留意身邊的事物,新冠病毒或許為我們的生活帶來不便,但卻令我反思到能夠擁有每一滴水都是彌足珍貴。希望大家可以繼續支持「點滴是生命」的慈善工作,特別在疫情期間為有需要的人帶來「淨水與衛生」。


世紀疫情持續兩年,令全球經歷巨變,疫情的出現就好像是地球對人類的當頭棒喝,是時候為環境作出改變,減少破壞珍惜擁有。在疫情之下更需要「少塑從揀」,例如選用可重用的布口罩、出街自備水樽和餐具等。從自己出發,一點一滴已經可以持續地為環保出力。 知道點滴是生命的年度主題是聯合國定下的可持續發展目標(SDG-Suitable Development Goal),透過提供不同類型的淨水及衛生設施,逐步為遍遠貧窮地區改善生活。當水源得到保障,對當地的長遠發展也有著正面的影響,包括改善貧窮、健康、教育質素及增加就業機會等。希望新一年大家都一同努力為更美好的未來出發



    Chairperson Jackie Lee

    Chairperson Jackie Lee

    “If all water disappears, what impact will it have on us? Will other people from all over the world have a different answer?” The United Nations Water Resources Organization encourages the world to think about the “value of water”. During the global fight against the Coronavirus, the act of washing one’s hands has become ever more essential. However, according to the statistics provided by the United Nations, over 3.6 billion people in the world still lack access to safe sanitation equipment, which has led to more people contracting COVID-19. When I first visited the Cambodian mountain children’s home, I still remember observing their poor sanitation, it was a living environment that was truly inexpressible. There was indeed a major sanitation problem. In these rural areas, farmers would use nearby water sources such as rivers to dispose of their faeces, due to them not having the necessary sanitation equipment. Therefore, this resulted in the contamination of their water source. “A Drop of Life” has educated the people of the Cambodian mountain villages about the importance of water purification, school hygiene, and personal hygiene.

    Anita Yuen

    Anita Yuen

    This pandemic has given me the time to be more aware of my surroundings. Although “Water” is everywhere; with a seemingly endless supply of clean water that can be used for drinking, bathing, and cooking purposes, other parts of the world are confronted by problems of droughts, water shortages, and the emergence of various diseases in children as a consequence of water pollution. This pandemic has enabled me to slow down the pace of my rapid life, giving me the time to become more aware of my surroundings. The Coronavirus may be difficult adversity to overcome, but it has allowed me to cherish the privilege I have with every single drop of water. I hope everyone will continue to support “A Drop of Life”, as we continue to bring “clean water and sanitation” to those in need, especially during this pandemic.

    Stephy Tang

    Stephy Tang

    Apart from air, water is the most important thing to us Without water we cannot survive Water~ sustains our lives We call this “basic” with the most basic conditions we can only move forward step by step Step by step Thousands of tall buildings all start from the ground We should all know the importance of foundations If the foundation is weak Where did all the tall buildings come from? Someone once asked me why “A Drop of Life” only focuses on water projects as it didn’t feel comprehensive enough But when we carefully think about the importance of water Do you still feel water projects aren’t comprehensive enough? When some people don’t even have these most basic living conditions Talking about education, poverty alleviation, building a sustainable future, etc. seems like a waste of time! “A Drop of Life” has always been basic like a drop of water in the sea One is just more More is just one My teacher once said: people can keep everything

    Stephanie Au

    Stephanie Au

    I have forged an indissoluble bond with “water”. I started swimming training at the age of 8. After becoming an athlete, swimming has become an important part of my life. I grew up and matured in the water. “Water” is what brings me past my imaginations. When I hesitate in life, I jump into the pool to rediscover my identity. I wholeheartedly support the concept of “A Drop of Life”: providing clean drinking water and sanitation facilities to those in need. It may seem basic, but “water” brings infinite possibilities to a person’s life. For the past year, I have not only been preparing for the Tokyo Olympics, but for my role as a charity ambassador for “A Drop of Life”, I have not forgotten to fulfil my charitable mission. In February 2021, I sold over 100 pairs of Nike Collectible Sneakers, which bought more than 200 students clean water and sanitation facilities during this global pandemic. I promise to contribute more to the future of “water”, and continue to change people's lives for the better.

    Alex Fong

    Alex Fong

    In a blink of an eye, 2021 is coming to an end. Looking back, the pandemic seems to have slowed down. Yet, local charity work and raising funds are still full of challenges. But we have not given up and will continue to express our beliefs in a variety of ways, including providing clean water and sanitation facilities for countries and regions in need and educating the public on the importance of clean water and saving water. These actions will make an impact and improve the environment and quality of life. As the honorary vice-chairman, it is extremely touching to see our team work together to implement and solve various projects, especially under the influence of the pandemic. Once the pandemic is over in the future, we will be back on track! Richie Jen

    Richie Jen

    Richie Jen

    During the past two years, I have constantly reminded my children to pay attention to hygiene, wash their hands more frequently, close the lid of the toilet before flushing, and disinfect household items regularly. This raised the question: How do children in developing countries, who don’t have access to clean water, toilets, and sanitation facilities survive the pandemic? So this year, I participated in the “A Drop of Life” One Minute Shadowless Stool Challenge, in response to “World Toilet Day”. I wanted to help raise funds for the construction of domestic toilets for families in rural areas of Cambodia. The goal may seem simple, but the change it provides is indescribable. We can all contribute to helping those in need around the world!

    Real Ting

    Real Ting

    This pandemic has lasted for two years, and the world has undergone tremendous change. The emergence of this pandemic is like earth’s warning to us that this is the time to save the environment by reducing waste and saving possessions. During this pandemic, it is important to “reduce plastic use” by wearing reusable cloth masks, using reusable water bottles, and non-plastic cutlery when you go out. Bit by bit, you can help save the environment by starting from yourself. The annual goal of “A Drop of Life” is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. This is done by providing clean drinking water and sanitation facilities to those in need, which will gradually improve the lives of individuals residing in impoverished areas. When a local area has a guaranteed water source, there will be a positive impact on its long-term development. This includes the improvement of poverty rates, health, education quality, and employment opportunities. I hope we can all work together in the new year to build a better future.

    Yoshi Hon

    Yoshi Hon

    During the past two years, the pandemic has not only separated us from the rest of the world but also made the world look thinner. When I see the pictures of the kids in Cambodia on my desk, I think: how are they? But I know “A Drop of Life” has continued to work and make a difference for those in need. I hope everyone will continue to help those in need when possible, and make the world a better place.

    Looking ahead

    Every action has an impact on the future

    We have been working tirelessly to end the water crisis, going through highs and lows and growing in the process. In recent years, the “Clean Water and Sanitation” project of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has further developed. In addition to bringing clean drinking water to the villagers, we have also built washrooms and toilet facilities in schools and villagers’ homes. Our goal of ending the water and sanitation crisis will be extended.

    Water resources are an indispensable part of global sustainable development, as well as playing an important role in social and economic development, ecosystem maintenance, human survival, and public health. During the process of providing clean drinking water to foreign villages, we plan to educate them on “Clean Water and Sanitation” in the Sustainable Development Goals, hoping through personal experiences, they can understand the importance of water resources to create a more sustainable future.

    Financial Highlights

    Revenue and Charitable Project Expenditure from 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2020

    We believe “constant dripping wears away a stone”

    It is up to you to work with us to bring long-term, sustainable and comprehensive changes to more than 250,000 people in 2021, one step closer to the 2030 SDG goal. A water project may seem small, but its actual impact is far beyond imagination. In 2022, we hope to see you continue to contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals with us!